
Local Partnering Service

A decision between selling through a channel partner and selling directly could be a tricky one. Our rule of thumb is that if you offer “services”, it is more likely that you are OK to go direct. On the other hand, if you offer “products”, having a sales channel partner will probably increase the chance of your success.

Truth is that no one likes to get another middleman involved in your business scheme because he is going to reduce your profitability and your price competitiveness as well as introducing “noise” in message delivery to the end customers. However it is also true that without a partner, the chances are you may become totally isolated in the market where “networking” has much more influence on your business outcome than in some other markets.

In order to maximize the business output with your partner and at the same time avoid all these negative aspects of extra middleman, you must choose the right channel partner(s) and, of course, the challenge is how you find them.

Let Beare help you. With over 14 years of experience, we know many distribution channel partner candidates in the IT industry to begin with. We know the decision makers and we know their decision making criteria and process. We know where the strengths and weaknesses lie at those candidates in terms of “selling”. Believe us that they are NOT all the same! We are going to fully localize your promotional materials and negotiate with them effectively.

We have seen many firms from overseas spending months and years holding so many meetings with big travel expenses in their search of the right distributors. Save time and money with Beare. Our ATFP* is less than 3 months and it will not usually require any more than twice for you to fly all the way over to Tokyo.

ATFP* : Average Time to Find Partner

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